Carrie’s Self-Conscious Emotions: Navigating Pride, Shame, Guilt, and Embarrassment


In this blog post, we will examine a crucial moment in Carrie’s life when she experiences a self-conscious emotion and will reveal the intricate network of evaluations and attributions that resulted in this emotional response.

Carrie's move up the entertainment chain

After overcoming her humble beginnings, Carrie finds herself in the midst of the glitz and gloom of the entertainment industry. As her fame grows, so does the complexity of her emotions.  On a particular moment, Carrie experiences a sense of pride, but this emotion is accompanied by a unique mixture of guilt.

The Appraisal: Achieving Success and Abandonment

Carrie takes great pride in her outstanding success in the world of entertainment. Her achievements reflect the hard work and determination she has put into her career. However, this pride is combined with a subtle undercurrent of guilt.

However, this pride is combined with a subtle sense of guilt that is rooted in the relationships Carrie has left behind. As she moves up the social and economic ladder, she can't shake the guilt associated with the people she left in her past, especially her sister and the simple life she once knew. Carrie's achievement comes with a heavy price of abandoning her roots, and this realization becomes a source of inner conflict.

Why Guilt and Not Shame?

Carrie's emotional state is marked by feelings of guilt rather than shame, which arises from her particular type of appraisals. Guilt typically occurs when someone assesses their actions as a failure of their internal standards of morality, or when they perceive harm to others. In this case, Carrie's guilt is the result of a sense of betrayal and abandonment rather than a rejection of societal norms.

Carrie's guilt is rooted in her personal values and choices, rather than based on the opinions of others. This can lead to feelings of embarrassment, but she continues to strive towards her goals. The emotional conflict doesn't come from societal judgment, but from her own assessment of the consequences of her actions on the relationships she holds dear.

In conclusion, Carrie's navigation through self-conscious emotions in "Sister Carrie" is a powerful story of the complexity of human emotions.

The interplay between pride, guilt, and embarrassment adds depth to her character, showing the complexity of emotions in the face of social aspirations. The appraisals and attributions that trigger these emotions provide insight into Carrie's mind, revealing the internal conflicts that accompany outward success.

As readers, we are encouraged to reflect on our own experiences with self-conscious emotions, understanding that the human emotional tapestry is woven with threads of pride, guilt, shame, and embarrassment.
